Monday, September 20, 2010

monday, 20 september 2010, 00:49 PM

Laughing, Step Instant Fix Health Care

The old byword, said health is expensive. Therefore, keep your health. But, you know what? Maintaining health is not to be complicated.

Activities as simple as a laugh for example, can help you maintain and improve health. Even with brushing teeth can reduce head and neck cancer up to 400 percent. Check out other tricks:

Increase blood flow as much as 21 percent
Laughter is good for the heart. A study from the University of Texas found that those who chuckled while watching a comedy movie having dilation of blood vessels as much as 20 percent up to 24 hours. While watching a documentary is being serious, it narrows the arteries to 18 percent. Constriction of blood vessels can trigger high blood pressure.

"When excited, the body to release chemicals that make you feel comfortable at the same time have some fun effects to the body," explained David Katz, MD, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University School of Medicine, as quoted site.

Rub the teeth and flossing
Reduce the risk of head and neck cancer up to 400 percent
Caring for teeth not only help you get your teeth bright white. A study from Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, shows, people with chronic gum disease fourfold risk of experiencing one type of head and neck cancer.

This risk is increased even among patients who never used tobacco. Gum disease occurs when bacteria that live in plaque infect the gums. Therefore, be sure to always brush your teeth and flossing regularly to prevent accumulation of plaque.

Reduce the risk of stroke by 21 percent
According to a study from the UCLA School of Medicine, drinking tea can protect you from strokes. Researchers examined data from nine studies that study the 4400 stroke among 195 000 persons. Researchers found those who drank at least three cups of tea a day 20 percent lower risk of experiencing a stroke than those who drank less than a cup a day.

Type of tea that is consumed can be adjusted with your choice of green tea or black tea. Both are made from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, which contains a powerful antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) and theanine amino acid that protects blood vessels and arteries.

Write a thank-you
You will feel happy 20 percent more
Students who wrote a letter saying thank you to someone special, according to the findings of researchers from Kent State University, happier and more satisfied with their lives. Other studies have found that expressive writing can improve immune response, lung, and liver function, lowers blood pressure and make you feel more prosperous. However, according to the researchers, writing must contain the largest award from the heart.

Hide the TV remote: Subtract two inches of belly fat

Try to manually switch the TV station
A study from Australia found that people who are at most a mild activity during the lazy (like watching TV), has a waist size of 16 percent leaner than people who just said nothing. Even simple activities like getting up and walking around for one minute is enough to make a difference, regardless ddari whether participants have a regular exercise schedule.

Grasp your partner's hand
Reduce stress up to 200 percent
Quick hug or hold hands for a few minutes the couple, according to a study reported at the American Psychosomatic Society, can reduce stress.

Relieve back pain to 56 percent
A study from West Virginia University found that yoga significantly reduces low back pain. Researchers asked 45 patients with a mild to moderate backache for a duration of 90 minutes doing yoga twice a week for six months. Compared with patients who simply continued their previous therapy, the participants who did yoga reported pain reduction, improved function and fewer symptoms of depression (reduced by almost 60 per cent). They even still feel the results until six months into the future. Well, good luck. (MI /*****)

source: metrotvnews

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